Thursday, August 30, 2012

USTR Ron Kirk must be removed from his position

USTR Ron Kirk has got to be the worst bureaucrat in a city filled with bad bureaucrats. He has been hiding the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal in the Pacific region that could have incredibly far-reaching consequences, from the public and from Congress despite calls for him to relent and release them. I have no idea if his orders are from President Obama, but if not, then I'm calling on legal action to have him removed from office, particularly from Congress or the courts. This behavior and the way the TPP has been negotiated and its potential consequences means he is not fit for the job.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hollywood needs to get its act together

I, like a lot of young liberals, have a love-hate relationship with the entertainment industry. Sure, it helps with free speech issues and getting Democratic politicians elected, but the problem starts when they try to legislate things they can't control, like the Internet, as we saw with SOPA. The problem is, Hollywood is trying to legislate a problem (copyright infringement) but attempting to do so stifles Internet freedom. Also, the secrecy surrounding these attempts at legislating through laws and trade agreements means the public has no input on something that could affect them. This has got to stop. Hollywood has to get its act together and stop trying to legislate the Internet. It's not going to work. All it does is cause problems for normal people who can't hire expensive lobbyists. Just STOP. We've had it. SOPA was one thing, but Hollywood lobbyists are still trying. Part of what I hate about this is that it makes me seem like a conspiracy theorist, which I'm not. I think they're stupid. But unless Hollywood stops trying to legislate the Internet and makes it easier to watch content online, normal people are going to look (rightfully) paranoid.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mitt Romney should not be President

When he made a birther joke last Friday in Michigan, any pretense that Mitt Romney is a "serious" Presidential candidate where thrown out the window like a bag of bricks. Romney has shown so much disrespect for his opponent, race-baiting and outright lying about President Obama's record that I don't think Romney belongs anywhere near the White House, not even on a tour. His attitude shows he feels entitled to the White House, even though voters (appropriately) don't trust him and his refusal to release his tax returns just smacks of secrecy and privilege. He acts like the average voter is below him. The antics of his fellow Republicans also shows they shouldn't be running a country club, much less the government of the most powerful country on Earth. Fact of the matter is, they have to lose. Their extremism is revolting and were it not for the fact that so many people agree with them, the dirty money and their attempts at voter suppression, they'd be looking at a landslide loss in this year's elections.