Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Marvel Owes Fans an Apology

I haven't posted on this blog in a long time, but recent developments in the comic book world have made me decide to speak my mind on the situation.
I usually don't get offended on other people's behalf, but in this case, not only am I making an exception, I'm just as offended as the people I'm going to discuss.
Marvel decided to make a cheap plot twist for the sake of gaining readership by making Captain America, a symbol of hope, strength, freedom, and a middle-finger to the nazis in WWII, a Hydra agent, essentially making him the very thing he's sworn to defeat over 75 years.
The outrage isn't just confined to Jewish fans, but that's where it probably hits home the most. Cap was created by two Jewish men, Jack Kirby and Joe Simon, as a response to pro-nazi rhetoric and people like Charles Lindbergh, who was not only isolationist, but explicitly pro-nazi.
In the comics, Hydra is an organization dedicated to nazi-like ideals. By making Cap a Hydra agent, Marvel has betrayed gentile and Jewish fans, and his creators. You don't need to be Jewish to be offended, but if I were Jewish, not only would I be offended, I would be ready to storm the Marvel offices and demand that Nick Spencer, the man behind this, to resign, apologize and make things right again.
It has also been pointed out by others that it's possible Cap is being mind-controlled. While this dilutes the anger only slightly, it doesn't change the fact that this is not only offensive, it's a cheap, lazy writing gimmick for simple shock value that spits on his and his creator's legacy. Also, the possibility that this won't last shows that Marvel would rather go for cheap, short-term shock than long-term storytelling, which says a lot about Marvel.
Even worse,“Everyone relax! Marvel does this all the time, it’ll be back to normal soon!”
This is bad writing and cheap marketing ploys in the name of a twist and generating publicity. While it definitely worked, it’s come at a cost to Marvel’s reputation and exposes a common problem in the comic book industry of relying on naked shock tactics to get readers. Unfortunately, it fucking backfired this time, because Captain America is not only Marvel’s top hero, he’s a literal response to anti-semitism. By making him a HYDRA agent, it betrays everything his original character stands for.
All in the name of a cheap marketing ploy. A CHEAP MARKETING PLOY.
Bad writing is inexcusable. I don’t care if you say nick spencer “understands” this character, everyone in their right minds knows that this is wrong. It’s even worse to grab attention; it smacks of an uncreative group who think being shocking and edgy is a great way to grab readers. It certainly grabhs headlines, but not at the cost of betrying the fans.
There’s no excuse for this kind of bad writing.
And it's pointless. If it's all going to end in a couple of months, then this was nothing but a cheap publicity ploy. In fact, this is just as good a reason to hate it, because we all know it's not going to last! They angered their entire fanbase just for a cheap shock. It's insulting to any intelligent reader, IMO.
By contrast, DC Comics has released "Rebirth #1", by Geoff Johns, and it's a concerted attempt by Johns to apologize to fans for bad writing and stories for 30 years. Another twist reveals Dr. Manhattan to be the one behind the company's disastrous New 52 line, which tried to take the point of Watchmen the wrong way. I loved this book. I felt happy. I felt hope. I felt the way comic books and superheroes are supposed to make me feel. Marvel did the opposite.
This cannot stand. It betrays everyone who admired Captain America. It betrays his creators and it betrays his original intent. Shame on you, Marvel. Shame. On. You.

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