Friday, July 26, 2013

Doctor Who: Tomb of the Cybermen

Okay, so I was able to find some "Doctor Who" episodes on OnDemand and one of the episodes is the debut of the Cybermen, "Tomb of the Cybermen". I must say, for an early "Doctor Who" episode, it's fantastic.

So the Second Doctor and his companions Jaime and Victoria come across an archaeological expedition in the future and on another planet. They're looking for mysterious creatures called "Cybermen". They find an old complex that belonged to these mysterious creatures, but it soon becomes clear that things are not what they seem.

After exploring the complex, a trio of characters, Kaftan, Kleig and Toberman, have some ulterior motives and they start purposefully messing with the complex. After two expedition members are killed and Victoria is almost killed, the expedition decides it's best to leave. However, the expedition's rocket ship is sabotaged and they have to wait before it's fixed.

In the meantime, they open the hatch to the lower chamber and come across the eponymous tomb. Kleig defrosts the Cybermen and one of the Doctor's greatest enemies is revealed. Kaftan, Kelig and Toberman are members of the Brotherhood of Logicians and they believe the Cybermen can help revive them. The Cybermen on the other hand, have other ideas.

Quite simply, this is a fantastic serial. The music is creepy and atmospheric, fitting for a cold and calculating robot. I've never seen Pat Troughton in action, but I can see why Matt Smith was inspired by his version of the Doctor. As for the Cybermen, well, it's the sixties and it's a low budget. But combined with the music, and the time period, the Cybermen are just as creepy as they've always been. I can hear the origins of "Star Trek's" Borg in their words ("You will be like us")

As for the Cybermen plans, well, I have to admit it's ridiculous. Freezing yourself to take over the world? Even Moffat thinks it's silly. But it's early "Who", we can forgive them. It's a good episode, especially considering it's the earliest survive Second Doctor story in its entirety. A good villain deserves a good introduction and we got it here.

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