Wednesday, July 31, 2013

We're Waiting, Sepp

So Sepp Blatter thinks he can trick the European leagues into staging the World Cup in winter, does he? Man, what a bad idea. The problem with Blatter is that he seems to think it's all about money for FIFA. It's probably why he decided to help Qatar win the bid for the World Cup in 2022, although since it's possible the Qataris simply bought the voters for the World Cup.

Sepp has already come under fire from EPL chief Richard Scudamore, who is already saying that the World Cup should be moved out of Qatar. This is the most popular league in the world! You want to make them angry, Sepp?

Sepp, just do yourself a favor. Stop being stubborn and admit staging the World Cup in Qatar was a bad idea to begin with. Already you have a powerful voice criticizing you for what was obviously a short-sighted move without vetting the Qatari bid. And given how there's some evidence that the Qataris bribed World Cup bid voters, it's a little suspect.

Sepp, if you want money, here's an idea: Move the tourney to the US where it should have gone. Remember '94? The most attended World Cup in its history. We have excellent venues, a nice climate, passionate fans and a country ready to take the next step in world football. Just call up Sunil Gulati, Sepp. We're waiting.

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