Thursday, August 15, 2013

Egypt Is A Mess

Okay, I'll admit, I wasn't expecting to write anything about this, but it looks like I have to. Egypt is a mess. I know I repeated myself, but that's the only conclusion I can draw from this week's events over there. While I hope things can calm down, I'm not really enthusiastic about the outcome.

So once Mohammed Morsi became so unpopular that people were out in the streets demanding the removal of yet another dictator, the Egyptian military swooped in an removed Morsi from power, which angered Morsi supporters and the Muslim Brotherhood. Ever since then, they've been demonstrating against the military and just yesterday, the already-tense situation exploded ad the military cracked down on the protesters.

In response, President Obama has condemned the military's actions and drew the American military out of a war game they were scheduled to take part in with the Egyptian military. The entire globe is condemning the military's actions, and there are calls for Europe and the United States to end military aid to Egypt.

Unfortunately, the Egyptian military is refusing to back down and it looks like things are getting worse. The US government needs to figure out what to do about the Egyptian military and how to get the violence to stop. This cannot turn into another Syria. And yet, the Egyptian people do not want to be ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood.

What we have here is a Catch-22. Do you want to see the dictatorial party that was just removed get back in power? Or do you want to see the military junta crush everything? The only people you can support in this conflict are the ordinary Egyptians who just want to live their lives in peace and want what they first set our for: Democracy. Indeed, while I doubt anyone in Egypt will here this, I call on ordinary Egyptians to come out and ask that the carnage STOP. DO SOMETHING!!! And also, let's hope the Egyptian soccer team gets to go to the World Cup. It might be our best chance.

Until things get worse or better, we'll have to keep watching and waiting. With the Muslim Brotherhood so unpopular, it might not turn into another Syria, but I have no doubts there will be more carnage. This won't be pretty.

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