Sunday, August 4, 2013

So... Peter Capaldi

So the 12th Doctor has been named and he's still not ginger. Just fooling around, it's Peter Capaldi, a Scottish actor who previous to this was best known for his role as Malcolm Tucker in the comedy "The Thick of It" where he played a "spin doctor". I can't tell if that's foreshadowing or not.

Capaldi had previously played a character in the episode "The Fires of Pompeii" where he played Lucius Caecilius Iucundus, a Roman banker living in Pompeii. However, Americans who have no idea who he is (like I was) will be surprised to find out he has connections. He was in a punk rock band called the Dreamboys with comedian and renowned Whovian Craig Ferguson. Already I can tell that Craigy's gonna go nuts on his show tomorrow.

As for Capaldi's role as the Doctor, I sort of see him calming down a bit after the the nutjobs that were David Tennant and Matt Smith. Oh, he'll certainly be insane, but he'll probably be a little more subtle about it. But this is just speculation and guessing until Capaldi actually says his first lines on the show. He's also 55 years old, around the same age William Hartnell was when he was the First Doctor.

Still, Capaldi is a veteran actor and his skills should make for an interesting tenure. I have no doubt he will be able to switch from comic moments to dead seriousness and sell it. Given how popular "Doctor Who" is right now, he'll probably be one of the more popular Doctors in recent times and I have high hopes for his tenure.

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