Thursday, July 25, 2013

I Don't Care About the Royal Baby, Part 3

Okay, so I posted my commentary about the royal baby on another website. And I've gotten mixed reviews about about my commentary. And one person called me an ignorant American. You could have just said I'm full of bollocks, but ignorant? I know what the Queen does, like appointing a Prime Minister in the case of a hung Parliament. I don't like that, either.

So my main problem with this is the sheer ridiculous media coverage here in the US. Here's what I don't like: the monarchy is against everything the United States stands for: power in the hands of the people. You can't say that government belongs to the people and then turn around and cover the birth of someone who will one day be the head of state and will never be elected for the position.

And it's HOW MUCH media coverage we're getting! It's on all the major networks; NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and so much of it! It's a leading story when Detroit has gone bankrupt for goodness sake! If there's ever a good reason to say the news media sucks, THIS IS IT!!! "The Daily Show" did a great lampoon of this story on Tuesday. I suggest you go find it. Or if you can't, let me summarize: The news media made themselves look like idiots thanks to their coverage of the royal baby.

Now, you may disagree with my views on the monarchy, but you should at least see where I'm coming from in regards to the American news media. This story belongs at the end of a newscast, not the leading story. I'll admit I can be an Anglophile at times, but for different reasons: I love quite a few British bands, I'm a Whovian (or at least trying to be one) and I like British movies and TV. I just don't like the monarchy.

We have more important things to worry about in the US than the birth of an un-elected royal in Britain, whose life will never affect us directly. This is just another case of our ridiculous celebrity worship turned up to 11. Let's leave the royal couple to the tabloids, not CNN.

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